Friday, 27 January 2012

A reply to Carlos - I can't send him any money as the sheep have it all.

I thought I had better reply and put Carlos out of his misery. I can't pay his bank fees as all my spare cash has gone to help rebuild the sheep refuge. I will however arrange for his hotel bill to be paid and send him a return air ticket as soon as he send me the details. I have even offered him a job!

Hey Carlos

Oh what a mad couple of days I have had. I went to the sheep sanctuary as I said in my last email and they had  had a disaster of epic proportions. We have had some terrible weather over here, torrential rain and gale force winds and the refuge had taken a real battering. Lots of the fences and shelters had been blown down and the sheep were all over the show. What could I do? I couldn't see all the sheep homeless and in danger so I agreed for them to come and live in my garden! Yes, I know I am mad but I love the little fellows so much that I just couldn't say no. I also made a sizeable donation to the refuge to enable them to rebuild it all but bigger and better. It's left me rather short of free income now. Don't get me wrong Carlos, I have money but it is tied up in business accounts and the like, I am sure you undersatnd all about such matters.

With regard to your current situation Carlos. Unfortunately, due to the payment to the refuge I don't have access to much actual cash at the moment. I can't send you any money to set up the account but what I can do is arrange for your hotel bill to be paid. If you send me all the details of where you are staying, the name, address, phone number and managers name of the hotel in which you are staying I can  make sure you do not suffer the embarrassment of an unpaid hotel bill. I could also arrange to have a plane ticket booked in your name for you to collect at he airport enabling you to come back home.  I hate the thought of you out there, alone and ill. I need to get you back home to England as soon as possible. Then when you are back here we can address the matter of getting the money transferred for the contract. I do still have a bad feeling about it all Carlos. I am sure it is not all as it seems.

Have you ever thought of a change of career Carlos? I would be honoured if you came to work for me. As you are good at construction type stuff, I could pay you to come and rebuild the Sheep refuge. I am usre you would make an amzing job of it.

I have to go now Carlos, things to do and all that! I do hope you start to feel better soon. Get plenty of sleep and drink lots. Please don't forget to send me your hotel details nd I shall arrange for the bill to be paid and send you the planeticket back home.

All will be well Carlos because I love you and will rescue you from your misfortune,

All my love forever

Tess xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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